Soda Diaries: The Challenge

Today’s Daily Prompt made me double think my addiction for sodas.
(See previous post)

I suddenly got scared that it might just get worse and my kidney will fail me soon.
Since I’m really having a hard time giving up on this habit,
the least I can do is minimize my craving for it.

Good thing yesterday was Ash Wednesday, which signifies the start of the season of Lent.
Every year I always choose one thing to abstain from doing for forty days as a penitence.

So this year, I choose to abstain from sodas (dark or otherwise).
I also use this challenge as an excuse to use the Milestone Widget (see the sidebar. :))
as a countdown tool until Easter Sunday when I can finally drink soda again!

Okay. So this is dropping the habit cold turkey.
But it’s just for forty days right?

Hopefully by the end of forty days, I will:
– save money
– fulfill one religious duty; and
– learn that I can live without drinking soda (too much)

I can do this.
Lord, help me.

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